sabato 13 dicembre 2014

How to Prepare for GMAT

Everyone knows GMAT requires long and hard training. Therefore, there are several steps to improve its results. Do you want to learn how to improve GMAT score? Simply, just follow a few tips.

Taking any test is like sport competition.

Training is surely essential, but an element of luck is also important.
In addition, you must believe in your success.
First, you need to understand GMAT structure, tasks and problems, as well as strictly control your time.
Computer version offers an advantage of more adequate assessment.
It enables usage of small number of tasks.
Therefore, your answer to the first question affects the entire section.
If you give wrong answer to this question, the second one will be easier. If your answer is correct, the program will offer you a more difficult task.
In addition, types of questions vary according to a special algorithm.

One cannot predict the order. Remember, you are not allowed to skip questions, since going back and answering them is prohibited.
Learn how to control your time during testing.
This skill is achieved only through training.

For this purpose, experts recommend training tests. Also, try to simulate real test conditions.

Devote the last days before the exam to such training.
As you already know, answer to the first question affects complexity of subsequent tasks in a particular section. Remember, complex tasks provide more points.

So, it is better spending more time on first five questions.
They can bring you more points.

Always carefully check your answers to these questions.

If you do not stay within required test time, you also lose a significant amount of points. For example, if you give wrong answers to last five questions in one section, your final score will be 70 percentile. In case you give no answers to these questions, then your result will be only in the 55 percentile.

As you can see, the difference is quite significant.

So, if you realize time is short and you fail to solve a task, give any possible answer.
Read questions carefully. Sometimes, applicants strive to succeed too much and make very banal mistakes.

In fact, reading questions calmly is better.

It takes more time, but a chance you will understand everything correctly (from the first time) is much higher.

Remember, you cannot go back to previous questions.

Therefore, you should answer even questions you fail to solve, i.e. try to guess.
Strategy of exception is best here.

Usually, one can immediately discard at least one answer.

1 Commenti:

Alle 13 maggio 2015 alle ore 22:28 , Blogger Unknown ha detto...

It is important that a person must be calm while reading the paper. He should not make any haste in choosing the topic of the essay in GMAT exam. It is right that essay writing doesn't hold much importance in GMAT exam but anything that is scoring must be prepared properly. Studying Competitive Exams Study Material from Edu4Share is the key to getting selection in just any competitive exam.


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