lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

The Importance of Helmet Cams - Important Things You Might Not Be Aware Of

Helmet cameras are all the rage in extreme sports these days.

Athletes and adrenalin junkies alike want to capture their out-of-this-world stunts using these sturdy wearable cameras. By attaching these digital cameras to their headgear, chest or their vehicles, they are able to get still photos and high-definition video of the action from their point of view when they are right smack in the middle of thrilling run.

Skydiving, bungee jumping and motocross riding are just some of the many sports activities where these POV cameras are more popularly used.

But the functionality of these technological wonders has gone beyond adrenaline-pumping sports.
Now, these gadgets are widely used by members of law enforcement such as those by the SWAT or by search and rescue police to capture their tactical practice sessions. Utilizing helmet cameras for training videos have proven useful not only for documentation purposes but also for improving the performance of trainees in real life scenarios on the field. Because these so-called lipstick cameras are sturdy, compact and hands-free, they can easily be strapped on helmets or other headgear and even weapons to capture each event as it unfolds. Using helmet cameras for training give the benefit of recording a trainee's performance in tactical entry situations or in simulated field missions requiring him or her to make tough and calculated decisions under extreme time pressure.

During the review, certain mistakes or errors in judgment are seen clearly and the trainee is told the proper or more efficient way of handling such problems should it arise in real field operations. These videos can be a rich source of instructional videos for future novices to improve the quality of law enforcement or fire fighting instruction in the country.

Helmet cameras for training are not limited by environmental conditions.

Built to withstand falls, breaks or intense heat, these portable cams can be used in any training environment imaginable.

They can be used in extreme desert conditions without fear of dust accumulating in the lenses and causing the camera to malfunction.
The removable protective casing ensures that the helmet remains dust-free and durable even in the harsh desert conditions.

Taking videos and stills of underwater training isn't a problem since most of these helmet cameras are waterproof up to a certain depth.
When a training session is recorded in its entirety, any grading or promotional system used to determine an individual trainee's skill also becomes objective.

Through the dispassionate or neutral eye of the video camera, strategies that speak of exceptional thinking and analytical skills are showcased. Conversely, errors that speak of poor judgment and an utter lack of common sense are also shown.
This makes evaluation more meaningful as well as making the review or debriefing sessions more multi-faceted.

Using helmet cameras for taking training videos will inevitably result to improved classes, more objective assessment of individual ability and infinitely better quality in law enforcement instruction.

By doing a careful, step-by-step review of the training, more policemen, firefighters and other law enforces will be better equipped to save lives.

What Are Physical Therapy Continuing Education Courses?

Physical therapy is a demanding job that requires the latest knowledge to complete effectively. As such, it's no surprise that the vast majority of employers love to see physical therapists continually improving their education through physical therapy continuing education courses. These simple courses are designed to give people a broad understanding of some of the newer, key concepts that will help you do your job much more efficiently.
However, many physical therapists wonder how to tell quality courses that will actually give you knowledge that will assist you on your job from those that are of poor quality and may not be accepted by your state's governing body.

This article will give you a couple of quick guidelines that will help you with this problem. Virtually all physical therapy associations provide some sort of physical therapy continuing education courses.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for example, offers a wide variety of classes and educational opportunities that are free for its members. These courses are designed to broaden your horizons and help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

In addition, it's also worth stating that, as of the time of this writing, 33 states require physical therapists to take a certain number of continuing education courses to be eligible for license renewal.

As such, taking these free, high quality courses is not only beneficial professionally, but they may also be required for license renewal.

So, although we've seen an example of a large association that offers professional development courses, we still haven't seen why they are excellent resources to improve your career.
The first think you'll want to look for is a strong course description.

Look for the section to the effect of "after this course you will be able to.

Are there clear benefits to this course or is does it contain a lot of buzzwords like "think critically" or "build team skills"? APTA courses, for example, provide impressive course descriptions that very clearly outline what you'll learn. The fact that there are clearly defined benefits to taking the course is a good indication that the course is well-taught.
Secondly, look for signs of accrediting bodies.
You certainly don't want to take a course taught by "Random Guy Educational Facilities Inc.".

Look for credentialing organizations that your state accepts.

Never take physical therapy continuing education courses from a random online school without first assessing the credentials.
Physical therapy continuing education courses are essential to keep up with today's modern world.
It's important for career, licensing, and employment opportunities to continually update your knowledge to include the most current information.
However, make sure that you always, always take these courses from well-respected institutions and never, ever take courses from some school that doesn't demonstrate that they have been credentialed by a body recognized by your state.

Five Advantages of Choosing Online Education Over Traditional College Courses

What is online education? Online education, also known as distance learning or e-learning, differs from traditional education because students are not required to visit an actual classroom and listen to an instructor face-to-face.
Our desktop is our class room. The study materials include PDF formats with discussion, video formats, animations, audios etc. The software 'Moodle' uses many universities for course management. By using this software they can share the study material and they can do class tests, progress reports and certificate issuing also using this software.
The university can control all activities using this software.
Another one is 'myvideotalk'. myvideotalk using for video mailing.

Using this we can conduct online classes we have the power to control all students. We can send the online class video to specified students and these video classes can restrict forwarding through mails by them.

What is traditional method education? The traditional method requires a classroom, teacher, black board and other class room accessories.
The students need the oral speech from lecturer to understand the specified lesson or topic and then write the lecture notes.
But the online education and e-learning provides the opportunities to get a better visual presentation through animations and videos along with the audios. Benefits of online education: Online education is truly about student convenience.
Students can check in, work on assignments, and turn them in when their schedules permit, not when the college doors are open.

1. No need to quit their jobs to attend college, 2.

no need to spend hours in rush hour traffic or drive 200 miles to the nearest University, 3. No need to waste more of those minutes walking from class to class. 4. The students can learn at their own place 5.
Earn degrees in less time than it would take to juggle traditional courses. Conclusion: No sooner all universities and colleges will introduce online education system.

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Doctoral Degrees - The Highest Possible Degrees

Earning a doctorate degree signals that student has earned the highest level of educational achievement possible in most fields.

While some forms of post-doctoral education exist, a doctorate degree is the top of the ladder in terms of degrees that are awarded for academic achievement. Many people wonder what a doctoral level degree prepares the degree holder to do, and the answer varies.
For many people, a PhD, or doctorate of philosophy, prepares them to teach in a given field.
Most university professors, for example, hold a PhD degree, as do many higher level education professionals in the secondary education world. School principals, for example, do not infrequently hold a PhD.
But PhDs are found in far more fields that just education.

Virtually all fields have roles that are filled with people holding these degrees, even if the degree is not, strictly speaking, a requirement. Some people just want to achieve as much education in a field as they possibly can. In either event, holding such a degree does tend to enhance a person's ability to "move up" the ladder in a given profession, landing them more high level jobs with better pay levels.

Some people who hold PhDs are consultants. Many management consultants, for example, hold this degree, especially those that specialize in the area of organization development, business strategy, etc. Of course, many people in this field do not hold this degree.

In fact, while many have master's degrees, some very successful consultants hold only a bachelor's degree.
There are some jobs that do require this level of education.
Being a medical doctor requires it, for example. Whether required or not for a given profession, there are now many doctoral programs offered schools online. Many of the classes in these programs are taught online, which allows students to hold full time jobs and study at their own pace.

Six Figure Jobs Without A Degree

Are you looking for a six figure job without degree requirements? Not everyone can afford college these days.

And if you have to work anyway, you might not have time even if you can afford it.
A six figure income is a great goal and you probably thought that four years of university time and expense would be your only ticket to the big bucks.
We've come up with a short list of six figure jobs that require not college degree. And some of these may surprise you.

Now, you're going to have to garner some experience to get top pay. But there's a lot to be said for making money while you learn instead of paying to sit in a classroom.

These jobs are also evergreen.
They're in demand whether you have a booming economy or, well, this economy.

And they are very steady and comparable to a small business type income without the risk of starting a small biz in this economy. 1. Air Traffic Controller Can you believe that the average air traffic controller makes $159,000 per year? I know the work is portrayed as high stress in movies such as Pushing Tin.

And it can be.
You must be able to maintain focus have a good memory and make good decisions.
You do have to go through very rigorous training.

The FAA trains all ATC's in Oklahoma City.

The training takes several months, but it can definitely be rewarding.
Many of the ATC's hired in the mid '80s are retiring soon so there should be lots of entry level positions.

Nuclear Power Reactor Operator Average salary is $128,000.

And no, don't even think that if Homer Simpson can do it anybody can do it. This is another high skilled specialty job.

You won't start out as a reactor operator.
You'll have to work your way up.
Once you have enough on the job training you can pursue a license through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Once you move into a senior operator position you'll be responsible for equipment that actually affects the operation of the reactor.

Director of Security (Physical, Personnel, Grounds, et al.

) As a director of security you could be responsible for the security of buildings, grounds or campuses, or even people.
At $123,000 average salary this is a high salaried position.
You need to be able to figure out the worst possible problems before they happen so you can be ready to avoid it, or take control when it happens. As a director you'll be responsible for training and managing a staff of professionals. There's lots of competition for these jobs and some can be physically dangerous.

But we live in a dangerous world and there's sure to be demand for you in the future.

These are just a sampling of six figure jobs without a degree.
You may even find some fun jobs that pay well.

School Lunch Trays at Home?

Most families use simple, round plates at home to feed their children.
This is what has always been done and no one things to change things up. You probably remember the school lunch trays that you used in school, and chances are good your children are using them at school today. These trays have sections for each type of food and are easy for them to carry.

They may drop, but they are usually made so that they are never going to break. This makes them ideal for home use too, though many do not think to go out and get some.

These may be a great addition to your kitchen for informal meals. If you can find some school lunch trays for your home, make sure you get some that are easy to wash.
This should not be a problem though, as most clean up with ease. In fact, they may be easier to clean than the dishes you have in your home. They often take quite a beating and most can go right into the dishwasher.
You may not want to use these for family dinners, but they are great for lunch time and for when your children have their friends over to play. You don't have to worry about broken glass plates or worn down plastic plates any longer with these.
Some parents have problems with picky eaters.

Though some children refuse to try specific foods, others don't want to eat if their food items are touching each other on the plate.

This can take that problem right away. Either your child will be happy, or they will find a different way to defy you at meal time.

The school lunch trays have separate sections for different foods, and for the most part, they keep all different foods from touching each other.
It is also a built in way to have control over portions.
Each holds what is a typical portion for a serving of veggies or fruit, and anything else they may have.
School lunch trays are also great for the entire family when you go camping.
These are much easier to pack and clean then other dishes, and far less wasteful than buying all paper products that you are just going to throw away.
They clean up well and you can have enough for the entire family and any guests that come your way.

They hold hot and cold foods easily, and won't break when they accidentally get dropped from the table or from a child's lap.
They are great for picnics in the backyard too. You don't have to have kids to use school lunch trays.
These can be great for crafters as well. You can use these to keep and store things like beads and other items like pins and needles.
If you work with items that roll away and are small and easily lost, these trays can help you stay organized.
Children can use these for crafts too, or for other things that they want to stay in place.

There are always great uses in your home for lunch trays if you use a little bit of imagination.

sabato 27 dicembre 2014

School Anti-Bullying Laws - Protect Arkansas Teenagers

Why do we need federal laws to make bullying a crime and to require schools to have anti-bullying policies? The saga of Billy Wolfe should be enough to convince you. Over a year ago, the New York Times reported that Billy was being bullied relentlessly by two bigger guys from his high school in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He was beaten up in a bathroom at school and on the school bus and in shop class and in Spanish class. The bullies put up a Facebook page harassing him.
A brother of one of the bullies even recorded on his cell phone camera, the bully getting out of a car, walking up to an unsuspecting Billy, who was waiting at a bus stop, punching him hard enough to leave a fist-size welt on his forehead and then showing the video around the school.
The authorities did nothing while the violence and brutality went on for three years.
Billy's parents tried to get the bully's parents and the school authorities to stop the bullying but the assistant principal, Byron Lynn Zeigler, did nothing to stop it.
Oh, he said it was Billy's fault and immediately suspended him.
He blamed the victim.
Days later Ziegler watched the recording and showed Billy's parents that their son was innocent.

But he didn't stop the bullies.

Billy's parents finally went to court. After almost a year, the court has ruled on whether to keep considering the motions on behalf of Billy.
Why do Billy and his parents need laws? Why do we need to require schools to have anti-bullying policies? According to the story by Scott F. Davis in the Northwest Arkansas Times, although the court kept intact many of the charges, it ruled that the plaintiffs (Billy and his parents) failed to show that the school had an official policy that led to the alleged problems surrounding bullying.
Let's put that in simple English. Assistant principal Ziegler argued that since the school didn't have an official policy supporting bullying, it wasn't the school's fault that bullying occurred on school premises and they can't be held liable for the bullying.
Also, since the school didn't have official anti-bullying policies, Ziegler didn't have to stop the bullying; even that part of the bullying that occurred on school grounds.

The court agreed.
Because there are no laws specifically about bullying and beating kids up, Billy's parents had to try to use laws that are on the books against sexual harassment. Now do you understand the need for laws that would require administrators to take proactive measures to prevent bullying on school grounds and also laws that would require administrators to stop bullying that's brought to their attention? The teenagers at school all knew what was going on.
They saw the cell phone video.
They knew that the legitimate authorities had turned their backs and given the bullies a free hand. When the responsible authorities allow bullies to control the turf, they allow violence and scapegoating, harassment and brutality.
Billy may have tried to fight back, but that doesn't make him the problem.

That just makes him one child against two bigger kids.
And with the size disparity that often happens in middle school and high school, he can't win without adult help.
When his parents went to the school, way back at the beginning when it was only threats, the district wouldn't act.
I'm sensitive to principals that don't protect the victims because I'm from Denver. Remember Columbine High School.
Of course, the bullies' parents are to blame for allowing their sons to act that way.
But when schools tolerate bullying, the real problems are the administrators (principals and assistants) and teachers.
Have those ignorant, cowardly principals in Fayetteville not learned anything.

There are many schools in the country which don't tolerate bullying because the principals won't tolerate it and, therefore, their teachers and staff won't either.

And the successful ones have no better statutes to back them.

However, they do have consciences. Whatever the court decides on the basis of law; shame on those adults. They have shamed themselves and their community.
They are definitely not models who should be allowed to teach or administer for children.
On an individual basis, parents must teach children how to face the real world in which they'll meet bullies all their lives, even if the children are small and outnumbered.

That's independent of the type of bullying - cyber bullying, physical bullying or verbal harassment or abuse. Help your children get out of their previous comfort zones and stop bullies.
True bullies will take empathy, kindness and tolerance as weakness.

They'll think we're easy prey.

It will encourage them, like sharks, to attack us more.
Bullies will show you how far you need to go to stop them. Read "Parenting Bully-Proof Kids.

" Get coaching to design tactics that fit your specific situation. Take charge of your personal space